M2 Global designs and manufactures integrated isofilters. These components consist of a filter or diplexer matched to an isolator or circulator.
Isolators and circulators are usually standalone components. However in an actual system most of M2 Global’s filter customers combine isolators with filters and other passive components. M2 Global approaches the integration of filters and isolators (or circulators) in a way that minimizes size mismatch and interconnect losses. Parts for the isolator / circulator and the filter / diplexer are machined to meet customer specifications, and assembled and tuned for optimum performance.
Filters are designed with our precise EM modelling software that provides fast and efficient designs. We have existing isofilter designs for WR137, WR112, WR90, WR75, and WR62.
The following types of filters can be integrated in M2 Global’s isofilters:
- Waveguide filters for high-power and low-loss applications.
- Stripline / Suspended / Microstrip filters for low power and modcerate-loss applications.
- Cavity filters for high-Q and high selectivity applications.